Monday, May 11, 2009

Monday Musing

Oh, Monday. Are you here already? No one likes Mondays, unless it's special circumstances, like Kings of Leon is playing on a Monday, but that's rare. You know what Mondays are like? The Orange popsicle. No one ever chooses the orange popsicle. They go for the red or green ones and then when all you are left with is a box full of the orange ones, that's when you eat them. Or Mondays are like Ian's bitch cat Meow. Everyone hates Meow, but they feel bad that Meow doesn't have anyone. So they pretend to like him. That's what Monday is like.

That's all I have for now, but I'll probably post another one later:) Love my new blog!

1 comment:

  1. I freaking love the meow example. Your so right....we should rename him Monday. lol
